This video was taken by my grandfather of the start of the Bluegrass 10K. I am on the far right in the blue.
Speaking of dad, I want to tell you that I am very proud of him. He has made the decision to get his para-sport track and field coaching training. I think that he will do a wonderful job. He is really good at explaining what he is looking for and he thinks outside the box. These are two great tools that will help him in training other adaptive athletes as well. He has done the classroom work to receive his Level I coaching in Track and Field; pray for him as he studies around his busy schedule in order to pass the online test within the next 80 days.
The Lord told me that He was going to give me a platform from which to speak and He has. Just on the fourth there were three different opportunities that he gave me to encourage somebody to get into wheelchair racing. I have had time after time to speak to someone whom I would never have even seen if I had not been doing wheelchair racing. Before I got started, I had no idea about the running community. I have even gotten to speak at Red Oak Elementary. There has not been a repentance seen or a life changing conversion, but there have been many times where I got to be the light. I have been called to a very cool ministry. Over this last week, I had another athlete ask me if I was a Christian. When I answered that I was, she nodded. She, too, is a believer, and she said she could see Jesus in me in my attitude and actions. I liked that!